Hi, it's Jen and Joe
This picture is us on our wedding day 08/08, 3 years after our 180 Degree Spiritual Intervention of Meeting. The Ascension journey began for us over 21 years ago.
In 2011 our website ranked #1 or #2 in the world with google search for the words spiritual awakening and ascension symptoms- it was called YouWantThis.org
Our Journey of Ascension took a detour, and we were told to “stand down,” 13 years ago; now it’s “Stand Up.” - taking us by surprise, honestly. Starting this blog and site was—no way on our radar a few months ago. Makes us think something is afoot…ya'll ready? Yes, you are.
Recognizing the Signs of Spiritual Awakening, Learning to Embrace Your Ascension, Experience Understanding Why These Symptoms Are What They Are
Throughout this Journey, You'll Soon Discover It Is A Process. One with many Signs, Common Symptoms, Stages, if you will. These Stages Include Enlightenment, as well as eventual Remembrance
We would LOVE to hear from you! You can email or text. If we can we'll jump on a quick call just to connect energies.
Please feel free to ask questions and just as importantly share your story!
Joshua Tree CA
Text / Call: 719-900-8995